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AB 746 - California Safe Drinking Water Act

In cooperation with the City of Santa Paula, the Santa Paula Unified School District completed lead testing of its potable water system in March 2017.  Samples were obtained and tested from forty-two locations at the District's nine campuses.

One sample exceeded fifteen parts per billion at the Isbell Middle School cafeteria.  As a result, both old drinking fountains in this cafeteria were removed, and a new drinking fountain with a hydration station was installed to replace the previous drinking fountains.

Per Section 116277(e)(3) of the Health and Safety Code, Santa Paula Unified School District is in compliance with Assembly Bill No. 746 on the basis of the following:

  • Lead testing was completed after January 1, 2009
  • Information regarding the lead testing is posted on the District's website
  • Information identifying any areas where the level of lead in the drinking water exceeded fifteen parts per billion is posted on the District's website